2024 Annual General Meeting

Wednesday June 12th

9:30 am – Check-In

10am – 3pm

(online session begins at 10:30am)


For proposed amendments and revised constitution and by-laws click HERE


Please Note:  Registration is now closed.  


Glad Tidings Church

1401 Guelph Line, Burlington, ON

Registration is now closed

*Lunch provided for registered in-person attendees. 


Join us Via Zoom

Registration is Now Closed

Not able to attend in person? Join us via Zoom.


It is crucial WOD has your correct email address as it will be used to send ballots and also the Zoom link to those viewing online.

A test ballot from Simply Voting will be sent on Monday, June 10th – please be sure to watch for this email.  (Check the junk mail folder if you don’t receive the ballot)

If after checking you do not receive the test ballot please email AGM@wodistrict.org so the issue can be resolved.

Unfortunately we are unable to assist with any email issues on the day of the AGM.



This year, there will be two (2) resolutions. For your review, the resolutions have been posted HERE

The voting platform we will be using again this year is Simply Voting.

Emails from Simply Voting will display as WESTERN ONTARIO DISTRICT with the email address vote@simplyvoting.com

For each vote an individualized ballot is delivered to the email address you registered.

On occasion, receiving the email may be delayed by a number of issues including but not limited to:

  • your internet service provider
  • your email provider
  • email client settings
  • network traffic or other.

We have allotted time for each ballot to be completed once it is open.  If after a few seconds the ballot has not arrived, click on the link included in the previous ballot, or keep the Simply Voting tab open on your screen and click the REFRESH button for the current ballot to appear.

When finished making a selection on the ballot, click the SUBMIT button at the bottom of the screen in order for the vote to be counted.


For those onsite at Glad Tidings, Burlington:

  • Technical questions can be addressed by going to the Guest Services Booth.
  • If you wish to participate, speak to an item, or require a point of clarification, you may go to an audience microphone at the applicable times during the meeting.


For those registered online:

  • A Zoom Link for the webinar AGM will be sent on Monday, June 10th to the email address that you registered.  This link is specific to you, please do not share it.
  • We recommend that separate devices are used for viewing and for voting (i.e. a computer or tablet for viewing the AGM via Zoom and a smartphone for voting via SimplyVoting) – there is less chance for an issue when toggling back and forth between viewing and voting.
  • If you wish to participate, speak to an item, or require a point of clarification, please email agm@wodistrict.org and a WOD Staff Member will facilitate your participation. Please do not use this email for technical issues.
  • Technical questions can be submitted to support@wodistrict.org
  • Please note: The Q & A and ‘Raise Hand’ functions within Zoom will not be available during the AGM.  Please use the emails listed above.